We repent that last semester will be our last doom semester and after this,our cgpa will be like explosion.
I Raqimi Naim and Asraf pleasant to study hard to achieve excellent results in all test and examination.We also wanted to prove to our family and friends around us that we could become an excellent student in all fields that we involved in....and this is our study technic :
1-Study at least 3 hours a day
2-Do some revision every weekend at McD somewhere at Melacca (if necessary).
3-Attend all classes.No more skipping classes.
4-Improve our spirituality day by day.
5-Ask lecturer if we don't understand what she teach us.
May 2011 be a better year for all of us.AMIN.There's no failure if you enjoy the process of living.We haqitarun-faraheen.Broadcasting from Simpang 4.