Friday, March 4, 2011

Answer To Life's Little Mysteries...

Hello is fun to blog? Did you all read our blog? I honestly have to say that only some of you guys read it...right?
Well...this time i just wanted to blog about facts...knowing lots of facts is fun you know...hehe...the word fact can refer to verified information about past or present circumstances or event which are represented as objective reality and lots of mysteries in our life is also a fact.Here some facts that i want to share with you, read it and enjoy!

Why Do we Sometimes Cry When we laugh? 

Weeping with laughter,sobbing in sorrow : Our bodies react similarly when emotions run high.A few scientist have explored the physical pathways of emotional tears,but none have categorically stated why these tears exist.Tom Lutz,author of crying: The Natural and Cultural History of Tears,notes Darwin published snapshot of laughing and crying people to demonstrate that the same expression accompanies both behaviors."Some tears are squeezed out of the ducts simply because the face is scrunched up,"explain Lutz."But tears also accompany the the body's return to homeostasis after extreme excitation.So, after a big laughing jag,tears are a sign that the body is returning to normal.

     What tears are made of,however may offer further clues about why we cry.Unlike tears that well up when you chop onions,emotional tears are unusually rich in protein-based hormones that spike when you're stressed.This fact led one US biochemist to theorize that releasing tears-and thus the hormones in them-may be the body's attempt to reduce stress.Regardless of its caused-be it pleasure or pain-people do tend to feel better after a good cry.

What are the odds of a twin having twin children?

The odds of a twin having twins depends on whether the twins is identical (from a single fertilised by different sperm)."Identical twins do not appear to have an increased chance of giving birth to twins", says Montreal Children's Hospital geneticist Dr. Laura Russell.

     "Female fraternal twins,however, have a one in 58 chance of giving birth to fraternal twins,"says Russell,"lending credence to the importance of genetic factors in fraternal twinning.These figures are the same as those for the sisters of offspring of female fraternal twins. 
 " Male fraternal twins also have an increased chance-one in 116-of having fraternal twins."Many factors can affect twinning including the mother's age,use of fertility drugs and even her height and weight.The rate of birthing identical twins appears to be the same worldwide, occurring in one out of every 250 pregnancies.The rate of fraternal twins births,however,varies by geography:"six in 1000 pregnancies for Europeans and North American Caucasians,one in 100 for American Blacks and four in 100 for Nigerian blacks,"says Russells.

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